Foodini 3D Food PrinterINVENTORS are taking innovative measures to make human life easier, comfortable and more interesting. What was not possible few years ago is quickly taking shape with innovate and imaginative ideas.
The 3D printing, a technology and long priced beyond many people’s reach, is quickly coming to attention. In fact, companies are trying to 3D print all kinds of new things, including food.
Think about the machines that we could only see in the movies which prepared, cooked, and served meals on command or a touch of a button. This could actually be our future. 3D food printing has the potential to revolutionise food production by boosting culinary creativity, food sustainability and nutritional value in the years to come.
This newest kitchen appliance is one that is designed to allow people who are simply too busy to prepare their food to create delicious, healthy meals without the messy and lengthy preparations. That is, if the idea of printing food sounds appealing to you.
Foodini is a 3D food printer by Natural Machines. Foodini makes all kinds of food like pizza, pasta, breads and even sweets like cookies. According to Natural Machines all you have to do is simply load the dough and filling and Foodini will print the pasta for you.
Foodini is the first 3D printer to print all types of real, fresh, nutritious foods, from savoury to sweet, according to the Natural Machines. It uses fresh, real ingredients, making the Foodini the first 3D food printer kitchen appliance to contribute “to a healthy eating lifestyle”.
While Foodini isn’t available for purchase just yet, co-founder Lynette Kucsma, envisions a time where every household will own their own 3D food printer.
Now that 3D printing has the world enamoured, it’s natural that the technology would be used to make food and to make making food easier.
It’s still a very new field, but food 3D printing is super exciting stuff and could if Star Trek is an accurate depiction of how things will be 2,000 years from now, be the technology used to prepare all of our personally tailored meals.
“It’s the same technology as regular 3D printers,” says Lynette, “but with plastics there’s just one melting point, whereas with food it’s different temperatures, consistencies and textures. The food is real food, made from fresh ingredients prepared before printing. That means you’ll still have to bake or boil the food before consuming it.”
Initially, Natural Machines is currently marketing Foodini to professionals, but a consumer version is also expected for about US$1,000.
Like most household items these days, Foodini is meant to be connected to your kitchen via the Internet, making the product not only useful but also technologically advanced as it syncs with your smartphone or tablet to share recipes.
Natural Machines has conducted some tests, all with positive results. But it remains to be seen whether the public will accept food built by a printer.
This is real food, with real fresh ingredients. It’s just prepared using a new technology.